Business Development in the time of Social Distancing
If you are sitting at home, like me, trying to figure out how in the world you are going to find new business without the conferences, networking events, luncheons, breakfasts and seminars we rely on, I totally feel ya. Our business is one that requires trust because we are presenting your image, and that’s important. Gaining trust usually happens during those face-to-face interactions. Warm, friendly referrals certainly help too, as people like to work with people they know.
We noticed that is especially true for our friends in the construction industry. I grew up with family in construction, going back to my great grandfather, grandfather and uncles.
The author’s great grandfather. Copyright 2020.
The author’s grandfather. Copyright 2020
Relationships are critical in construction because the trust has to be there. Whether you are a trade, a GC, project manager or owner, everyone is counting on everyone else to get their part done. Its more than just bid numbers. We saw an opportunity to help make more connections for the construction industry with our video storytelling superpowers and have launched a new YouTube community, Building Blocks. We’re filling it with content from people in the construction industry: from educational, promotional to advocacy focused. You can see some content we created in 2019 for Ennis Steel, a highly-regarded structural steel company here in Texas.
Our Simple Block product is a professional quality video that can give you visibility in this time of social distancing. It is a simple 30-second video, featuring a success story, told by you to share on the YouTube community and through social media, email, etc. You can see a a prototype for an IT company that they used to target more Federal Government customers. The key to success is the focus of the message, and we coach you through the whole thing.
We can create these videos in the studio, following the CDC recommendations, as we use a very small video crew and the camera is set up at least 6 feet away from you. We are setting up a day as soon as shelter-in-place is lifted to produce these for our clients. If you are interested in our low-cost video product, Simple Block, whether you are in construction or not, please contact us at Video can bridge the social distance and provide an even wider reach to prospects who might not meet you otherwise.
Stay safe and wash those hands!