Empowered Women, Empower Women

The quote about “when women support each other, incredible things happen” was probably coined by someone witnessing the generosity of the Women’s Business Council Southwest and the Lillie Knox Investment Awards. 

We had the honor to sponsor the Lillie Knox Memorial Luncheon yesterday, Election Day, at the Women’s Business Council Southwest Harvesting Partnerships event.  The highlight of the luncheon was the presentation of cash awards to woman-owned businesses to support a capital purchase or other need they have to grow their business.  The money came from donors who are supporters of the WBCS -- individuals, corporations, and other woman-owned businesses.  It’s like crowdfunding for our sisters, but it started before crowdfunding was a thing.

The awards, and the spirit behind them, show what a supportive community we have. I could not have been more excited for the three winners, because we got to help tell their story visually to the audience. I got to hear their stories and see what it meant to them to receive those funds.  From a paving company, to sales tax experts, to public relations, all 3 had compelling needs for their business.  Together, our membership raised enough money to give them a total of $27,500 in cash awards yesterday so that they can keep growing. Since the program began, more than $264,000 has been awarded to sixty woman-owned businesses in the region, including CM Productions.  We are grateful to our community of strong women and #hesforshes that raise us all up!

Lillie Knox
Carrie MartinezComment