CM Productions

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We do BIG things

You know when you were a kid and people used to discount you because “oh you’re still little” but in truth you could climb that tree to the top in less than a minute better than any adult could? Or even as an adult when someone says, I had no idea you ran the finances of a multinational corporation, good for you, I just thought you were a temp in accounting. Yep, frustrating.

Well, I think so, and that’s why I’m telling you right now we do big things at CM Productions, Inc. I’ve personally directed aerial HD video and still photo shoots in at least 6 different cities across the US – and that’s from a seat in the helicopter.  We’ve turned out amazing multi-camera shows, created epic documentaries and just lately produced more than 50 pieces of video and motion graphic content for a client’s big customer event. Most of that content was 5040x1080 in resolution. That’s more than twice as wide as a 1080p HD video. You really can’t shoot footage at that resolution, so we plan 4K shoots and frame our shots with the right crop to get the framing right for that extra wide image. It takes a lot of planning, creative vision and communication with our clients and team members to make it all work as it should. And the end result of all our work was truly meaningful to our client, because they were hosting customers that represented billions of dollars of revenue at that event. Our content and execution of the show helped them tell the story those customers needed to see and hear.

We love new challenges. We’re small but mighty. Bring it on!